Bjørn Hegstad is Odins Ravners (Odins' Ravens) new choir leader from 15.02.2018.
Odins Ravner wish Bjørn warm welcome to our choir.
He replaces our previous and well respected musical leader Maria Haug

New members

We need to recuit new members to our choir - contact us, you'll be very welcome.
If you're insterested why not come and listen to our choir and find out about the music we sing. We practice every Thusday from 18:00 at Høyskolen i Oslo (HiOA), Pilestredet 4, near Bislett, auditorium P173 in Eva Balkes Hus
If you want to receive information about our forthcoming event send an email to us, and become a member of Odins Ravners club.
See here >>>

Odins Ravner enjoy performing for both larger and smaller gatherings, from festivals to smaller more intimate arrangements. We are able to suit most requirements and events - our terms always negotiable.
 See here>>>
Odins Ravner have a broad and entertaining repertoire with the emphasis on the rythmic. The choir has a broad and entertaining reportoire with the emphasis on the rythmic which is arranged by our conductor Svein Arne Lindemark. The repertoire consists of 45 songs, many in English.
See here>>>
About us
Odins Ravner which is a male voice choir, was etablished 1993. The choir has 40 members (uncompleted on the photo). 
See here>>>

In partnership
Odins Ravner have been member of
Norsk Sangerforum (The Norwegian Singer Assosiation) since 2006.